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Read more: Soybean and corn futures price ratio should reach lowest level in five years (PT)
Effects of the war on coffee production: Ukrainian demand will be partially transferred to neighboring countries (PT)
War in Ukraine and Russian economic crisis will affect demand for coffee, says hEDGEpoint (PT)
Oil, exchange rate and adjustments put pressure on sugar this Monday in NY and London (PT)
Interview with Lívea Coda – Sugar and Ethanol Analyst at Hedge Point Global Markets about the Sugar and Ethanol Market (PT)
Long-Term Impacts of the Ukraine Conflict for Grains, by HedgePoint Global Markets (PT)
SOFTS Raw sugar hits 2-1/2 week high as crude oil surges
LONDON, Jan 19 (Reuters) – Raw sugar futures on ICE hit a 2-1/2 week high on Wednesday as crude oil surged due to an outage on a pipeline from Iraq to Turkey and geopolitical tensions in Russia and the United Arab Emirates.
Brazil sees coffee crop growing less than expected
By Ana Mano and Marcelo Teixeira SAO PAULO/NEW YORK, Jan 18 (Reuters) – Brazil’s government on Tuesday said that farmers in the world’s largest coffee producer will harvest 55.74 million bags in 2022, 16.8% more than in the previous year, but an amount that is smaller than most in the market expect.
Brazil soymeal premium hits high on robust demand, tight supply
Basis premiums over CBOT futures for Brazilian soymeal have jumped sharply in the second week of September, and to the highest level since Agricensus records began, buoyed by robust demand as a lack of Argentine soymeal availability in the export market continues.
About Chris Trant’s webinar for the Soybean Illinois Association
The northwestern Corn Belt is the “coal mine canary” of this harvested US soybean market. As for the US soybean market, all attention is paid to the results of the fall harvest in the drought-stricken northwestern Corn Belt.
Northwest Corn Belt is the “canary in the coal mine” for US soybean market this harvest
When it comes to the US soybean market, all eyes are on the outcome of fall harvest in the drought-stricken northwest corn belt.
Historic crop loss expected as new frosts hit Brazilian corn areas
The week has begun with the already-shattered corn market in Brazil enduring another blow as a new cold wave swept the center-south of Brazil bringing frosts to corn-producing states and raising fresh concerns about export volumes and contract breaches.
SAO PAULO & WASHINGTON – (BUSINESS WIRE) – hEDGEpoint Global Markets (“hEDGEpoint”), provider of financial risk management solutions to global supply-chain participants in the agriculture and energy commodities markets, established its own entity in the United States as it continues to grow across the country and into multiple commodities segments.
Thais Italiani, Head of Market Intelligence at hEDGEpoint Global Markets, shares her insights on the agriculture market in Brazil and the market dynamics for soy complex, which is so critical to Brazil’s future prosperity.
Commodity Trader ED&F Man Agrees to Sell Part of Brokerage Unit
ED&F Man Holdings Ltd. agreed to sell a part of its brokerage unit as the commodities trader sheds assets to focus on its core business.
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